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Overview: Table and field properties
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Overview: Table and field properties

Tables and fields also have properties that you can set to control their characteristics or behavior.

A table open in Design view

1 Table Property
2 Field Property

In an Access database, table properties are attributes of a table that affect the appearance or behavior of the table as a whole. Table properties are set in the table's property sheet, in Design view. For example, you can set a table's Default View property to specify how the table is displayed by default.

A field property applies to a particular field in a table and defines one of the field's characteristics or an aspect of the field's behavior. You can set some field properties in Datasheet view. You can also set any field property in Design view by using the Field Properties pane.

Create New Database
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Create New Database

These following steps are first step to create a database using Microsoft Access 2007.

Open Microsoft Access 2007

Click Blank Database to create new database.